The list of cultivars for vg0307075857 with genotype A in the All Indica population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
IR_13543-66 GP105 Indica II IRRI ERR036709
Rathu_Heenati GP645 Indica III Sri Lanka ERR036888
KAVIVARI_SAMBA IRIS_313-11040 Indica III India ERS469839
HONDERAWALA IRIS_313-11382 Indica III Sri Lanka ERS470174
CHAMPION IRIS_313-11714 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468878
SOSSOKA IRIS_313-11716 Indica III Guinea ERS468879
AUS_177 IRIS_313-9066 Indica II Bangladesh ERS468017
SINNA_SITHIRA_KALI IRIS_313-9091 Indica III Sri Lanka ERS468218
RPW9-4(SS1) IRIS_313-9522 Indica Intermediate India ERS468079
MILYANG_30 IRIS_313-9925 Indica II Korea ERS468128